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Course Design

Before diving into recording your lecture materials, it's important to take a step back and consider how you can best tailor your materials to our new online learning reality.  Optimizing your course for remote, asynchronous learning will help your students succeed down the road.


Be sure to fill out the form linked below as you begin thinking about designing your online course.  Once you've filled out the form, the CVN Team will reach out to talk more one-on-one about your course.

Backward Design

In this section, we will take you through the three steps of backward design, which will help you create lecture material that is optimized for the online world.

Woman Studying

CVN Sample Course

In this section, we will show you a sample course created by our instructional designers at CVN.  This will give you some templates and ideas to start your Canvas page for your online course.


Slide Design

In this section, we will go over the basics of how to best design your slides and other visual aides for online viewing.


Best Practices

In this section you'll find helpful tips and tricks for designing and recording your course.  Advice on assessments, interactions, and lecture style can be found here.

Math Notebook and Calculator


Here you can find all the different resources that we've gathered from across Columbia and the wider online community to help you navigate this new world.

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