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CVN Home Recording Guide

In this section we will go over video production techniques, hardware, software and tips to give you the tools to record videos at home.  Keep in mind, the CVN Production Team will be working with you one-on-oneto identify your teaching preferences and come up with a solution to be able to record quality videos at home. 


Setting Up Your Recording

In this section, we will go over video production techniques.  The three main components of video production will be Video, Audio, and Lighting. 


Recording Software

In this section, we will introduce you to the different softwares available to you for your recording.  With all our options, you will be able to both record your screen and yourself simultaneously.  We'll also go over how to upload your recordings to the proper places.

Man Hands On Keyboard

Recording Tips

In this section, we will go over the ways in which you can optimize your lecture for online learning.  

Laptop Keyboard


Here you can find all the different resources that we've gathered from across Columbia and the wider online community to help you navigate this new world.

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